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  • slaying the enemy, part two.

slaying the enemy, part two.

Resistance is a bastard.

That was the point of last Tuesdays email.

If you haven’t read it, go and do so now.

I ended off with a high note.

The fact that:

- resistance
- nihilism
- procrastination
- rationalization
- fear

can ALL be beaten with one core shift.

What is that?

Going pro.

Resistance HATES it when we turn professional. It’s when it realizes that maybe it’s not the highest and most powerful that it thought it was.

Going pro means to separate yourself from your work — having a professional life and a personal life.

The personal life is you. It is the ego, it is your likes and dislikes.

Self Improvement communities have made a strong case for synthetization, and modern day personal brands are the key to being successful.

But it’s entirely possible to have a personal brand while also being completely professional.

Here’s what the professional does:

- The pro recognizes that she is not her work. She loves it and it is her calling, but she doesn’t overidentify with it.
- The pro is prepared. He plays the game like it should and knows life is unfair, always aiming for order instead of chaos whenever possible.
- The pro dedicates himself to mastering the basics of the field he’s in. He respects the process and understands that to advance he must stay unadvanced, keeping an open mind.
- The pro works, and works HARD.

For some, inexplainable reason, Resistance gets burned at the stake when we turn professional.

I like to believe that it’s because we have a better place to judge ourselves from.

As Jung explained it, separating the Ego from the Self. The self being where most creation is made and the Ego being the place of material desire and the birthing ground of resistance.

With this knowledge, I hope you manage to curb resistance in every aspect of your life.

Remember, you don’t have to be a pro at everything. You can take on the professional mindset, though. You can develop a killer work ethic and connection with the terrain to succeed.

That’s how all the greats got their start.

But remember, resistance can never truly die.

From it’s ashes, it will mold again.

And once it does happen, it’s up to you to face the monster head on, and get ready to kill it once again.


Find areas where you can be a professional. Take on the professional mindset and DESTROY the resistance in your path. It wont be easy, but it’s worth it.

Powers to you,
