perceive deez

“Art is to be perceived.”
— 070 Shake

When I write something, I look through 3 lenses:

1) Me. How do I perceive this? Does it help me or boost my brand? Am I proud of it?

2) My ICP. How does my ICP perceive this? Will this help the young creator looking to be more creative?

3) The pro. How does the pro writer perceive this? Will this improve my respect and status among other writers/creators? Is it something professional?

(See more about professionalism here)

It’s become common to see writers have a “writing to my younger self” or “sharing insights” or “write what feels right” phase.


If we all wrote to our younger selves, our content would be UNREADABLE.

The only reason people say this is because looking through the 3 lenses is hard.

It’s difficult to confront yourself, your work and your values.

Now imagine doing that 3x EVERYTIME you write a post or an email.

It’s difficult. But it’s worth it.

Your work is based off of perceptions.

Make sure you’re hitting all the right ones.

Powers to you,
