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  • the Z2 files part 2

the Z2 files part 2

Recently, I made my first ever dollar on X.

Yes, that’s right, I'm rich now.

After years of wanting to be an influencer.

After months of grinding away at the keyboard.

I made….

..20$ off of a ghostwriting order.

But hey, that’s fine. We all start somewhere.

I want to tell you exactly how and what I did to build and sell the offer. And I will soon.

Today, I want to share with you something I taught the people in my discord server.

It’s about why I think personal branding is the future of the economy, and why startup culture is getting the boot.

I hope this’ll help you start your own personal brand, and maybe make your first dollar online.


Quick lesson: The future of content creation is top funnel personal branding. You most likely wont build a big audience if you're a marketing agency or anything like that.

Present note: I was wrong for saying this; marketing and lead gen agencies make tons of money..

It’s just that the owners often:

  • Are miserable

  • Hate their work

  • Have no drive at all

    Not to mention that it’s nothing special or personal. You just do a lot of work for someone else.

    You’re better off building a personal brand.

    More time.
    More money.
    More freedom.


Make a solemn pact never to make an agency or a "startup." It can feel like fun (because it is) but reality will catch up to you. You find that you're stuck in the narrow box you put yourself in with your business ideals.


I was like this with High School Philosophy. But then my interests changed, and so did my skills.

I remember I spent too long on the landing page copy… well my emails sucked either way.

My love of philosophy has NOT died. It’s still thriving.

But I just know what I want to give to my audience and what I’m most interested in.

It’s an Ikigai thing.


So I scrapped the idea. Now I'm working on my personal brand, and that's gotten me 700k impressions, 600+ followers, 20$ dollars, and 100 newsletter subs in four months.

Okay, I lied. I’m really at 95 newsletter subscribers. 700+ followers now.


Your niche (success) is the intersection of your character: Joe Rogan likes UFC, politics, and comedy. Naval likes tech, finance, and philosophy. Dan Koe likes spirituality, business, and creativity. Z2 likes creativity, writing, and growth. Find your niche of one by finding yourself and turning your interests into content ideas.|

If you’re afraid of putting your interests online, don’t be. Everyone else was to.

They just found a way to articulate it.

Is it going to be hard?


Is it going to be embarrassing?


Will you have periods of obsession and ignorance towards your brand?


Does that make it any less worth it?

Hell. Fucking. No.


That's how people obsess over my ideas. That's how I built my audience. That's how I monetized.


Ditch the old "startup" mindset and start turning yourself into the product.

“Productize yourself” — Naval Ravikant

Nothing to sell now.

But I will sell you this idea:

Personal branding is digital freedom.

Remember that for the rest of your time on the internet.

