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the Z2 creativity secret

I want to show you something!

This is a trick I used to SKYROCKET my:

  • Creativity

  • Writing

  • Brand

  • Clarity

Somehow, it’s also the trick to skyrocket everything else.

It’s what most call “the golden rule.”

It’s the way that humans managed to connect with each other centuries ago.

What is it?

Well, I’ll let Kurt Vonnegut tell you:

“There’s only one rule I know of: You’ve got to be kind.”

Thankfully, I’m not the only person who’s used kindness as a tool.

In his 2020 book The Practice, Seth Godin has an entire section dedicated to how generosity is a part of the creative process.

The idea is this:

Connection is the singular most important part of life.

- Businesses
- Relationships
- Health

All of these factors rely on connections.

Including creativity.

If you can use a bit of your human empathy — the ability to understand, connect with, and appreciate others — you’ll be able to thrive anywhere and everywhere.

This is because humans feed off of each other.

We are social creatures.

Our ideas can effortlessly be exchanged, mixed, and grown.

The key is allowing them to.

But don’t take it from me.

Take it from the founder of the JCPenney — one of the biggest hardware store chains in America with a worth of around 5 billion dollars — James Cash Penney, who wrote a book about it!

So if I haven’t sold you on this idea already, I’ll let the founding father of modern creativity say it for you:

“Be nice. The world is a small town.” — Austin Kleon

Treat the next person you come across, digitally or physically, how you would want to be treated.