write or flight?

You have two options as a creator:

Write or flight.

The first one means the following:

- Learn the art of effective writing that leverages reader psychology.
- Market and productize your experience writing.
- Submerge yourself in such works.

The second one means:

- Forget to learn the most important digital evergreen skill in the world.
- Lose opportunities on sales because of no funneling.
- Run away from all things revolving around “writing."

Most people take the second route.

Writing is the most important skill of the modern day if you want to build a business, solve your problems and sell the solutions, and communicate with people.

This isn’t realized until it’s too late.

The masses literally fly away from writing; assuming it to be a simple skill that doesn’t need any attendance or mastery.

That idea can’t be more incorrect.

From The 2 Hour Writer by Dan Koe.

If you don’t master the art of writing soon, you’ll be left behind in the sea of effective content synthesizers who have.

Learn this skill as soon as possible. And preferably, learn it the creative way.

If you’re interested in more, consider reading my thread on creative writing here.

Powers to you,
