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  • working on something

working on something

I’m making something.

I’m currently working on a FREE giveaway for all of you and my fans on X.

This is gonna be a guide bigger than any other.

You’re gonna get immense free value and insight into how I’ve grown and boosted my brand the creative way.

It’ll be out soon — but I want to take you through the process and the general outline.

I have a bad history with lead magnets.

I’ve always hated them.

Most are just bullshit follower and email grabs that have no good and unique value.

There are a select few people — Leighlin Ramsay, Patrator, Viggo — who have made great lead magnets for their audience. And I hope to be in their ranks soon.

So, The Creative X Growth Guide is gonna be different.

Firstly, I’ll take you through how I write creative posts. How I get ideas for them, how I refine and structure them, and how I make them go viral.

Second, I’ll show you my engagement strategy. This is the one I use to reach out to high value people and make them lifelong friends and engagers with my content.

Third, I’ll show you my brand strategy. I’ll teach you EXACTLY how to build an attractive, creative brand.

All for completely free.

And you fellas who are subscribed to my newsletter will get it before anyone else!

Once it’s done, I’ll send you an email with the link to the guide.

Once I do, the guide will be up on X.

All I ask in return is that you help spread the word. repost it, share it etc. Even sharing my newsletter off platform to other creators is awesome.

The more you do that the more creators and creative writers we’ll have in our community, and the more you can connect with.

Super excited for you to see it.

Here’s some sneakpeeks:

Powers to you,
