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  • why's it SO hard to write engaging content?

why's it SO hard to write engaging content?

“Why is it so hard to write engaging content?”

That’s the same question I asked myself when I started X.

Dan West was popping off.

Audrey Lo was starting to make $100k

ThePatrator was my favorite account.

And then there was me.

A wide-eyed 14-year-old trying to crack the viral code.

I wrote one thread every day.

Some about humans. Some about philosophy. Some about psychology.

They all flopped. Almost zero people were reading my content.

But then…

I posted something that BROKE money X.

It had people talking about it for months after it was posted.

It defined that period of my online career.

Here it is:

Yep. That’s right.

I went niche-viral from an ACTUAL shitpost.

At the time, this was probably the biggest thing in the “creative writing corner” of X.

People were messaging me telling me this post is why they followed me.

People were pinging me in posts talking about routines, toilets and systems; and how I (literally) shat on them.

Word got out about me. Quite a bit.

But I was so stunned by the reputation this post and I had gained.

I didn’t sit down and think:

“Why DID this post do well? How can I replicate it?”

But a month ago, I did.

And I cracked the viral code.

I wrote a few more posts over the past month that managed to get 90-150 likes and thousands of views.

A recent example is my post mocking HTS:

25K views and 170 likes.

…and a few haters.

So, what is the viral code?

The 3-step code to engaging content:

1/ Relevance

When I wrote the shitpost, X was RAVING about systems.

Seriously. You couldn’t go one minute without seeing a post praising or flexing systems/routines.

Not a bad thing. But an annoying thing. Someone had to call it out.

(That’s me!)

2/ Entertainment

The best form of entertainment:

Normal topics being exaggerated and memed.

The High Ticket Seller post did this really well.

I made fun of the way that some of the magnates in the HTS niche posted (Orson Weller, Russel Sage)

(no hate to these guys though - i’ve spoken to both and they’re amazing)

Funny, exaggerated perspectives always win.

3/ Unique education

This is probably the hardest to write.

You need to do one of two things:

A: Use a relevant event, situation or personal experience and twist it to give value to the reader

B: Solve a common problem using your unique method.

These can both be done in regular posts or threads.

Thank you for reading!

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