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  • Creativity is a LIE!

Creativity is a LIE!

Here’s some trivia:

Is “creativity:”

A) A Talent
B) Something that doesn’t exist
C) A skill


If you guessed C, you would be right.

If you guessed anything else, you’re dead wrong.

Here’s why:

First we have to realize that creativity is theft.

In fact, everything you see is “theft.”

The code that is used to create cool robots?

That’s just code re-used from older models. And that code itself is made of simple 1’s and 0’s

The beautiful drawing you saw the woman make that one time?

She got inspiration from that in real life. She visualized the imaged, all she’s doing is putting her thoughts onto the canvas, using paint that has been used for decades.

In fact, it’s right there in the bible:

What has been will be again,
 what has been done will be done again;
 there is nothing new under the sun.”
— Ecclesiastes 1:9

Pablo Picasso, arguably the worlds GREATEST artist and creator said it better:

“Art is theft.”

What can we learn from this?

First, we have to figure out what’s worth stealing for our own creations.

And then, we move on.

It’s that simple.

But, watch out. You don’t want to plagiarize ANYTHING.

As I said in one of my tweets:

Good theft:

  • Recognizes source

  • Expresses it personally

  • Makes it better

Bad theft:

  • Doesn’t respect source

  • Regurgitates it

  • Makes it worse/doesn’t change

Creativity is theft.

Steal like an artist.”

Now that we know this, we can practice creativity; actively leveling up the skill.

The more stuff you steal and apply to your content, the better your content will be.

That’s creativity, baby.



PS: You can learn more about creativity in this thread here, in which I give a full blueprint on how to create like a pro:



Ask yourself: Which creator do you like? What are some ideas or things you can steal from them and apply to your own creations?