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  • THEREFORE I AM - High School Philosophy

THEREFORE I AM - High School Philosophy

Think about this!

Hey! I got an idea for you.

…no, literally, an idea.

The human brain is interesting when developing ideas.

They come quickly, and depending on you, they can leave just as fast.

Or they stay — to linger and often taunt.

Unfortunately, most people allow the latter to occur.

Which was always weird to me — especially if they ideas proposed by your brain aren’t of use to you!

Why would you listen to them or take it’s advice when you didn’t control when it appeared? And when you know it’s irrelevant?

A bit foolish, right?

So, the next time a thought pops in your head — something you get nervous over, some useless fantasy, an imagined trouble, an old incident or a future one — ask yourself this:

“Is this idea/thought of value to me or my future? Does it help me in any way possible or is it a distraction? Is it just a useless fantasy I’m indulging in?”

Through this, you can filter your brain out.

Pondering ONLY what truly matters, and ONLY what benefits you.




Do a 3 minute mediation. In this meditation, try your best to notice the nature of your thoughts coming and going — try to focus on your breath as much and as deeply as possible. When a thought arises, observe it and it’s nature, then return to mindfulness.