You’re a liar.

But so am I.

One of the most profound realizations I had is tha-

Actually, there’s a better way to discuss this.

The word “personality” comes from the latin word “persona.”

“persona”, in latin, means “mask.”

Basically, everyday, with others and different people, we wear masks.

These masks give us a different personality. Covering our authenticity and making us appeal or act a certain way around a person or a group.

These masks can change depending on our mood and who we’re around.

But each mask has its cracks.

These cracks are micro expressions, mixed signals, body language, tone of voice, etc.

Now, this all sounds a bit weird, right?

Hiding our authenticity in front of people.

But, in his book The Laws Of Human Nature, Robert Greene compares this with old theatre — how the actors used to play characters to evoke emotions in the crowd.

And he says that, maybe this isn’t a bad thing.

Maybe it’d be best if we do wear a mask from time to time with others; so that we put on a face that appeals to others and makes them like us more.

Personally, this concept was incredibly difficult to grasp.

What do you think?

Reply to this email and let me know and I’ll get back to you!

