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  • the one thing most writers aren't doing (but the best ones are)

the one thing most writers aren't doing (but the best ones are)

it's not what you think

Here’s an underrated writing tip:

Stop writing. Start drawing.

Images transfer to the mind 15x faster than text.

And yet, most writers don’t leverage images at all.

Except for a handful:

  • Dan Koe

  • Jack Butcher

  • Kieran Drew

There’s a reason these guys are successful.

They play on our eyes.

They don’t just use text. They use pictures.

We’re way better at understanding, sharing and nurturing a good image then we are a few sentences.

And art and design is such an important part of a writer’s career.

It shows that you’re not just a writer, you’re an idea articulator. A problem solver.

Here’s 3 ways to leverage visuals in your writing (to clarify and enhance your ideas):

1/ Visualize Value

Take your favorite quotes, ideas and concepts in writing or your niche.

Try to find a way to express it in a visual form.

You do this in two ways:

A: Using contrasting perspectives (this is bad, this is good, do good thing)
B: Use transformations (point A —> point B)

A few examples:

You can use Figma or Canva for these.

Canva is easy for beginners. But I like Figma. More practical :)

Restrict yourself to using 2-3 colors per image.

2/ Use Yourself

People love to see you. You’ll get sick of yourself before your fans do.

Always be sure to show people a bit of yourself.

This was super hard for me, I thought I had to become some sort of micro-influencer.

But the truth is?

Not everyone wants a life story.

Some people just want to see you around!

So, show yourself.

The occasional selfie always works :)

3/ Use Your Life

Your social media page is just one big story.

What would a story be without some world-building?

The next time the sky looks nice, take a picture.

The next time you see a nice book quote, take a picture.

The next time you see a pretty girl, take a pi-

Okay maybe not that.

But you need to share bits of your life to win the entirety of peoples minds.

You do this best with VISUALS. Duh.


Don’t stay away from images just because you write.

You should use and abuse them.

The best writers do. Because they know they work :)


PS: If you’re struggling with writing, don’t worry.

It can suck.

You feel like nobody understands and grasps your ideas properly.

So you lose clients, followers and attention.

I was in the exact same boat

But the truth is?

All you need is the right knowledge and the right guidance.

I can give you that guidance in my 1:1 mentorship program.

If you’re interested, reply to this email with “PIZZA” and we’ll talk more about it :)

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