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why you should STOP working hard...

(minor mastery)

Hey bro,

Do you know what the circle of control is?

Well, listen:

There are many things that we can’t control.

And there are some things we can.

One of the biggest things we cant control, which, arguably, is the ONLY thing, is our mind.

This ties into a concept I call “Minor Mastery.”

When we see these young “grinders” crushing the market:

- Audrey Lo
- James Clear
- Jason Levin
- Jordan Peele

(PS: I include Jordan Peele because of his new and GROUNDBREAKING work dabbling into the horror genre, despite him being significantly older than most of the other people mentioned.)

We tend to think that these are naturally gifted people.

…not really.

These people mastered the small things.

They found out what they were good at, their “unfair advantage,” and leveraged it completely.

They might not be in control of the market, of their clients, of their circumstances,

But damn, they sure as hell are in control of themselves and where they direct their focus.

And they chose to direct their focus on mastering the small things, instead of working incredibly hard to chip at the big things they could barely move, they decided to build up their minor strengths into a wrecking ball and crush the market.

Habits compound. Success habits do the same. How else do you think Ryan Holiday managed to make The Daily Stoic one of the biggest newsletters of all time?

He honed in on what he was good at, writing small, essay-like emails on stoic philosophy.

And he did that every day.

Let us do something similar:

1) Recognize that the mind is in our control
2) Ignore things we can’t control
3) Set our focus on mastering the small things we’re good at.

Now that’s success.




Take 3 minutes with a pen and paper and think: What are the things that I’m good at? What are some small things I can compound to destroy the competition?