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  • why you should STOP caring about dead people.

why you should STOP caring about dead people.

(sorry morticians)


Bangs. Lots of them.

I wake up to the sound and subsequently fall right back asleep.

I’m tired. I spent too much time writing last night to care.

Next day, it’s been made clear to me everywhere:

Us Kurds were bombed last night by the Iranians.

And, unfortunately, they killed someone.

Someone quite famous as well.

This death was echoed everywhere. Everywhere I went they were talking about it — how the bomb landed, where it landed, who did it, why they did it, who they killed, why they survived.

And the more I heard and learned,

The less f*cks I gave — as if I had any to give in the first place.

I’m fourteen.

Most kids my age have girls and video games on their mind.

Do you know whats on my mind?

My mind.

Does that make sense to you?

I am merciless to the things that don’t concern me.

If I can not change, help or effect something, I cut it out completely.

My mind is a safe space.

No— it’s MY safe space.

Which is why, today, when we did an assembly, I couldn’t stop smiling and giggling my ass off.

It’s not that I don’t like my country.

It’s that YOU should treat your mind like a temple. An actual fucking temple.

You wouldn’t let useless propaganda come in. You wouldn’t allow ALL types of people to come in. You would allow the best of the best inside, and the even better will stay as leaders of the temple.

Worship that which makes you human — selectivity.


When I smiled and giggled at the assembly, I pissed off the principal.

She was looking at me with furious eyes.

I pissed off my geography teacher.

Bless her heart, she was trying to get me to stop.

And, I managed to piss off my mom, who saw the pictures the school took to post.

Which also shows another thing:

My school used this death as an opportunity to increase their social proof.

If my happiness is f*cked up, I don’t know what that would be.

Normalize not caring about things that don’t effect you.

Here are some messages I sent my friend after I got home.

I hope to see you as relaxed as I am in face of struggles.

Being at peace — knowing you don’t and shouldn’t care.