i have a stalker

Nothing beats relaxing on a Monday night.

Until - something does.

While I’m analyzing Stranger Things season 4 for an upcoming email, I get a DM from a girl in my school.

Like, a REALLY pretty girl.

I’ve heard of her but have only seen her once.

I get to messaging - she’s alright.

I go to school the next day and I catch a glimpse of her eyeballing me from around a wall during lunch break.

She’s prettier then I first saw. But she also has the crazy eyes.

You know what I’m talking about.

I turn over and ask my friend - who’s balls deep into devouring a chocolate bar:

“Do you know anything about that girl?”

He tells me:

Yeah, that’s V.”

She came to the school this year. She’s pretty nice.”

After I got home and did my work, I find out she’s been messaging me for a while.

Something about school, something about getting on a call.

But most importantly, she found out I’m a writer.

She then gets to asking as much questions as her little soul can bear.

”What do you write?”
”Do you work for anyone?”
”Do you write books?”

And, the most important one:

”Do you write poems!?”

”Hell no!” I said.

“I can’t do poetry with a gun to my head.”

I think that got her to go deeper.

She starts asking me - begging me to write a poem for her.

Reluctantly, I accepted and wrote her a poem about youth.

That was a few weeks ago.

Ever since then, we’ve been talking off and on.

I’ve caught her staring/talking about me quite a bit; I’ve heard she’s been going up to my friends and asking them questions about me.


I also learned a lot about her - maybe too much.

It turns out she’s a painter, a really good one.

We have quite a bit in common as well:

  • We both like Stranger Things

  • We both hate geography

  • We’re both creative

But there’s one thing about her that inspired me to write this.

She’s persistent.

Very much so.

And it reminds me of someone I know.



Remember that time I got a $1000 course because of my persistence?

There’s no difference between that situation and this one.

I was persistent with connecting, she was persistent with asking.

Either way, she got her results, a mediocre poem about growing up.

And - a friend for life.

Remember: if you’re persistent in what you want, you’ll get it.

