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  • I spent $500+ on creativity

I spent $500+ on creativity

Over the months of digital writing and learning, I’ve been planting my garden of knowledge.

And what I don’t like are weeds.

The stupidest weed out there is:

“You don’t need any money to be

  • Rich

  • Creative

  • Successful

You just need consistency!”


But you won’t be able to:

  • Scale

  • Create

  • Have freedom

If you don’t spend any money on your education.

So, instead of buying every course, book or mentor I bought,

Here are the three most powerful lessons worth half a thousand dollars.

1) Info Gaps

Your favorite and most unique entrepreneurs use info gaps.

There’s no sexy definition.

It’s exactly as it sounds.

Information gaps are used to hold and convert attention.

The best way I’ve seen this used is with @thedankoe.

In his videos, he preaches using a simple topic tree.

But in his $150 course — The 2 Hour Writer — he talks about using a Domain Of Mastery.

(A bigger, much more practical and insightful version of the topic tree)

If you want more:

  • Conversions

  • Attention

  • Readers

Start. Using. Info gaps.

Don’t be a hoarder, be a selective sharer.

This allows you to focus on what’s more important to your readers and your buyers.

Show your dots, don’t connect them.

2) Shut Your Door

The one thing all creative, successful and rich people do?

They disappear for hours, days, months at a time to focus on creativity.

They do this in three forms:

  1. Reflection periods

  2. Apprenticeship periods

  3. Creativity periods

These can happen all at once, in different times, or not in order; but that’s how it usually goes.

In a reflection period, they start to reflect on what they’ve done and focus on they’re doing - you can find a lot of gym arcs here.

In an apprenticeship period, you can find them learning as much as they can about a specific topic.

  • Lots of books

  • Lots of courses

  • Lots of mentors

In a creativity period, they’re releasing everything they have.

You can expect a lot of messiness, but also lots of gems.

Set aside 30m-1h a day to focus on each of these; reflection, learning, and creating.

And have dedicated periods in your life where you hone in on one.

3) Leverage

You won’t get anywhere without leverage.

Being leverage-less means that you don’t have a talent, skill, hobby, idea or community to use to grow yourself or your brand.

This leads to lack of:

  • Value

  • Creativity

  • Authority

The good thing is, leverage can be built.

You just need time, effort, and creativity.

Robert Greene did this well with his books:

The 48 Laws Of Power

The Art Of Seduction

The 33 Strategies of War

He chose those three topics he loved.

And he built his brand, and his future books, from those.

PS: he reposted me on Instagram

Start by finding something you just can’t shut up about.

  • A topic that interests you

  • A topic that develops you

  • A topic that makes you money

It can be one topic for each, or the topic can be combined with all 3.

For me, that’s creativity.

My brand is leveraged because:

A: Creativity interests me.

B: (learning about) Creativity develops me (and my skillset.)

C: Being able to generate more ideas and express them will make me money.

Build a brand from your interests.

Learn about those interests.

Apply your knowledge.

Build leverage.

PS: If you’re looking for help with your and your writing, I’m taking on one client this month to help them with all things creative, writing and growth based.

Reply with “YES” if you’re interested.

