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  • the source of creativity (and how to return to it)

the source of creativity (and how to return to it)

Creativity is a byproduct of life.

Let me explain:

The day you were born, you formed a brain

Your brain is constantly updating, taking in new information, and experiencing life.

Your mind can’t take in all that information.

It needs expression.

It needs creation.

“Your psyche craves creativity.”
 Dan Koe

It craves a release.
It craves building.
It craves connecting the dots.

You can’t live a good life without some form or creative expression.

So, that’s what it does.

You start to build.

You do this through words, numbers, blocks, code, or legos.

Either way, as a child, you find a creative release.

As you grew older, life puts the pressure on you.



Good grades.




Your perceived time for your creative endeavor gets less and less.

And in return, your life gets worse.

The info and updates get to you.

Your brain gets foggier.

You act and work slower.

You make easy decisions for the “release” you once got through building .

  • Porn

  • Easy sex

  • Video games

You lose your spark that made your life so good as a child.

Law #1 of the universe unfolds.


If you’re reading this, I have a sense you don’t want to live a life like that.

So I created a three step blueprint to win at life and at business, the way you were supposed to.

Here’s exactly what to do:

1/ Hate Yourself

You need to have an event that shocks you out of your routines.

An event that sparks you to crave the authentic creative release.

You start by disliking your reality. Your environment and mental state are not the ones you want to live by.

Then; an event unfolds and you decide the best thing to do is change now.

I’m sorry to tell you that this event has to be something deep. Something that hurts you. Something that you’ll never forget.

This was my first breakup.

That’s all I’m saying.

“When we hit our lowest point, we are our open to the greatest change.” 
Avatar Aang

2/ Find Something

Your teachers lied to you.

You don’t have to learn, memorize and immerse yourself into every single discipline of knowledge there is.

You just need one.

You need to rediscover the spark you had as a child that you lost.

And you need to have a level of obsession for it.

Find your vessel for creativity.

For me, this was “creation.”

I was always building something. Whether that be bottle structures, scrapbooks or art projects.

When I stopped, my life instantly started declining into video games and junk food in my pre-early teens.

Today, I’m a successful writer who’s amassed hundreds of followers and dollars by building spectacles through my words.

I can help you do the same as well.

I’m opening up a 5 week coaching program where I’ll help you generate better ideas, use them, and monetize them in a month or less through proven creative practices.

Reply to this email with “CREATE” and I’ll send you the details.

3/ Start Building

This is the hardest step.

People can hate themselves and decide they want to change.

People can find what they love(d) and return to it.

But only a select few take action.

This is where “discipline” comes in.

You need to have the discipline and integrity to bring your desires to reality.

Anyone can say “I want. I am. I will be.” But I’ve rarely ever seen ACTION.

Start. Building.

"Creativity takes courage."
 Henri Matisse

Find something to talk about using the same plan in step two.

Find a vessel to connect;. For writers, you can use X. For coders, Github. For general content/video creation, you can use YouTube or TikTok.

A platform that’s currently on the rise for young entrepreneurs and coaches is Instagram. I suggest checking that out.

(shoutout to Sai)

Learn proven practices in your niche. For writing this would be writing frameworks.

Begin to use them and share your progress.

Overtime, you’ll build a loyal audience to which you can sell your knowledge or skillset to through coaching programs, marketing or writing services, or courses.

The joy you get from this is unlike any other.

Knowing my writing is out there helping people and making me money is an unmatched feeling.

Seriously. I’m getting paid - and I’m going viral for doing my hobby of typing words on a keyboard?!? I don’t mean to sound like a dick. But dude, this is an awesome life I’m living.

And it’s a life I want you to be a part of.

Creativity isn’t a matter of discovery.

It’s a matter of rediscovery.

