• Pairaw
  • Posts
  • your "sleep in" application has been DENIED.

your "sleep in" application has been DENIED.

Picture me at nine A.M.

The sun is rising.

The birds are singing.

Everyone’s getting up for work.

And I step into bed, getting ready to fall asleep.

That’s right. I was falling asleep at 9 A.M.

My sleeping schedule was nine to five.

And I’m embarrassed to say:

This wasn’t a year ago.

This wasn’t a few months ago.

This was one week ago.

That’s right. Me. Pairaw. The greatest writer on earth. With a wacko sleeping schedule.

And the truth is?

I was getting nothing done.

While everyone was winning with tons of posts and emails,

I was scraping by getting Writing Mastery out my drafts.

It got me thinking about one of the biggest ideas in writing.

Wake up early and write.

This is usually the time I would tell you how it’s a misconception, and how creativity comes at different times, etc.

But now that I’m writing this email at 5 A.M on the dot, I must say:

Waking up early is amazing.

Not only do I get to complete the UGLIEST tasks I was dreading that day.

(writing emails, calling with Jon Chan, homework)

I get to watch the sun rise.

Or no. Sorry.

The sun gets to watch me rise.

The next time you feel lazy, do this:

Wake up early in the morning and write.

You might not be super creative.

You might be tired the first few days.

You might have to chug three diet Pepsi’s.

But it’s worth it for the proper schedule.

There’s always time to write.

You find that time at the start of your day :)


PS: Waking up early is the simplest, but most effective trick for a writer.

But I have a few more tricks I show you in my mentorship program.

These are systems and ideas that:

- Turn you into a master storyteller and writer

- Make content creation fun, effective and effortless

- Help you leverage psychology to grow and monetize

I teach them all to you in my mentorship

If you’re interested, reply to this email with “WRITE”

P.S.S: no, I do not accept any coffee drinkers >:(