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what sean canela taught me

the secret to making money

I joined Sean Canela’s workshop.

I can’t tell you it was the best $50 ever spent in my life, but I can tell you:

It was eye opening.

And it made me realize; you’re kind of messing yourself up.

Listen, I love X. I love emails. And I love giveaways.

But they won’t actually get you anywhere.

Sean’s posts are a fraction of what was in the workshop.

And his workshop was

You can only go so far freeloading.

I don’t know your financial situation. But if you’re reading this, you have a bit of money to spend.

So spend it, dude.

Your mind is a supercomputer. You wouldn’t install a trashy RAM.

And you wouldn’t buy a used keyboard.

Self-investment is self-improvement. Start improving.

Now. I’m not telling you to spend on me per se.


I’m opening the doors to Idea To Idol.

I will personally get you 10-30 followers each day; along with your first three clients within 90 days minimum.

If you’re interested, reply to this email with "IDEA.”

Take care,