rare Dan Koe L???

Dan Koe has been my favorite writer for a long time.

For a lot of good reasons.

He’s so good infact, that I bought his 150$ course on writing, The 2-Hour Writer.

But he had one take that I can‘t help but get angry over.

Dan says that mornings should be for creating, afternoons for learning, and evenings for relaxing.

The reason I have a problem with ideas like this is twofold:

  1. Semantics. What does creating, learning and relaxing mean to different people?

  2. Everyone’s problems, lives and jobs are different. Time constraints and preferences exist.

Which is why I never ever rely on time or location to be my master.

The only thing I rely on is creativity.

The Stupidity

If you rely on geography to get your work done, you’ll start relying less on your skills.

And once you do that, you’re fucked for life.

But if you rely on creativity, you’ll be deadly.

You can get work done anywhere.

You don’t need to stay stuck in a place.

You have infinite possibilities for the future.

Focus on adapting. Find your own routines. Do what works.

And when you cant get in that routine and need work done, do it anyway.

Don't stay stuck. Stay creative.

