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how to print money from words

a concise crash course in copy

I started reading a book a few weeks ago:

The Copywriter’s Handbook by Robert Bly.

Made me realize something:

I had no idea WTF copywriting was.

Copywriting doesn’t just mean digital writing.

It doesn’t mean persuasive writing.

It means sales. Selling with the art of the written word.

You might be struggling with “sales” in general. I know I was.

So here’s my biggest 3 tips on how to use copywriting for that:

1/ It’s Not What It Is, It’s Who It’s For

Before you type ANYTHING…

Ask yourself:

“Does this word help get my One True Fan from point A to B?”

You can write the best copy in the world.

But if you don’t know who it’s for…

Ya done for.

2/ The Big Idea

Every post. Every word. Everything that you present NEEDS to have one big idea.

One idea. One problem. One story. One solution. One offer.

If you scatter things around, you’re scattering your dollars to other people.

3/ Structure Everything

My biggest mistake when starting out:

Being “creative.”

Nobody buys from people trying to be clever.

Be simple.

Use writing frameworks like:

  • APAG (Attention, perspective, advantage, gamify)

  • AIDA (Attention, interest, desire, action)

  • PAS (Problem, agitate, solution)

Don’t be an artist. Be a salesman.

That word sounds dirty; but it’s kind of the reason you’re here.

Structured persuasion is one of the most important things a creator can learn.

I hone in on this point way more in Idea To Idol.

It’s my 1:1 mentorship program where I personally teach you how you can get more followers, more dollars and more traction to your personal brand.

All with the power of YOUR ideas.

5 spots left. After that, I’ll be closing the program and increasing the prices.

So act fast if you want fast results.

Reply to this email with I2I and I’ll send you more details.

Powers to you,