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Hey! I got a question.

If you could describe the world in one word, what would it be?

Take a moment and think about your answer.

Got it?

Let me tell you mine:


The world is change.

Occurring every moment, including now.

And there’s another word for change; usually said when the change is uncontrollable.

That word, is chaos.

Chaos is a natural part of existence; without it there can not be order, and order can not exist without chaos.

The biggest issue nowadays is the fact that us as humans can’t control the chaos.

I couldn’t at all.

I let the chaos consume and destroy my life.

The chaos made me into a different man. One that wasn’t the man I wanted to be.

But thing’s changed after I started reading and gaining more knowledge.

I fixed my life, and found 2 strategies to deal with chaos.

You can use one of these strategies to handle and use chaos in your life, or both, or both at different times; which is most effective.


When the chaos in your life inevitably forms and gets difficult to manage, your task is to stand immovable.

Don’t let anything penetrate the inner fortress you made yourself.

This strategy is the simplest in retrospect but it can often be difficult to others; as it requires lots of mental willpower, discipline, obsession and fortitude. It is most effective in your personal life and growth.


When the chaos arises and gets too big, your job isn't to get washed over by it — but to swim with it.

Move in the direction of change and adapt to the obstacles.

Gently, channel the flow of the situation in a direction you favor.

From there, you’ll be able to easily and effortlessly deal with the chaos use it for your own purposes.

As many of the greats did. Most notably, Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson.

This strategy is MOST effective in business, marketing, and social situations.

And before I leave you, I have a thinking prompt for you:

- Set a timer for 3 minutes
- Sit down in a room alone
- Think about the chaos in your life, the things you can’t control, all the chaos. How has it been effecting you lately? Has it been hurting you? How can you use these strategies to control it?

Best regards,
