A new normal.

Hey bro,

Let me tell you a story:

I came across a viral tweet a while ago by @MoFocus7 on X:

“Why is self improvement even a thing?

shouldn’t that be the default mode of humanity?”

Mo has a great point here.

Why aren’t self development habits a normal thing now?

Why is rationality deep thinking, logic and kindness weird?

Well, it’s always been like this.

Socrates was put on trial for his beliefs and was forced to either renounce them or kill himself.

PS: He chose the second option.

A similar forced suicide happened to Seneca.

Vices have always been king. They have always been controlling people and their actions.

Thankfully, today brings a rise in self improvement and philosophy.

But still, we got to be wary.

The people in and around us usually are stuck in the vice controlled world.

We have an opportunity, though.

Since you and I have been made aware of this, we can change our own standards.

So from now on, me, you, our families, future kids and wives, will all be taught good things:

- rational thinking
- empathetic thinking
- mindfulness
- gratitude
- the ego-less mindset

Read this following text out loud:

“I will teach the people close to me and after me good values. I will teach them to stay away from vices and irrationality. I will not waste my time trying to convince or help people who don’t want to be. I will focus on setting newer and better standards (normal) for myself, my family and friends.”

