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A NEW ME - High School Philosophy

Redefine yourself, even during youth

Hey! I got an idea for you.

But first, a question:

What is your occupation?

If you don’t know what that means, your occupation is basically your job.

There’s a high chance that your occupation is a student, someone who’s still in the education system.

A “student” is the first thing said next to your name.

You’re PRIMARY job (and purpose given to you by others) is to study.

That’s what mine was (and is).

But then, something changed.

I had a “purpose vision,” a “calling."

And I found out what I want to be, a writer.

And I decided to make that my primary occupation.

Then, I branched out again.

I started writing my own book. So, that means, I’m now an author.

1+ to the skill tree! Another thing added to my list.

Then, I started dabbling in X and email marketing; just like that, I’m a Copywriter!

And finally, I decided to branch out one last time.

I decided to think. And think deeply.

On topics such as how to use my empathy and rationality to solve problems and grow myself and my community.

In other words,

A true philosopher.

Just like video game stats or cosmetics, I started collecting.

Z2: Philosopher, Writer, Author, Copywriter, Student, Digital Creator

Understand this: once you find something you are really passionate about — a career or hobby you can see yourself turning into a long time job or passion, you can literally bend your perceptions of your character and actions to that job.

And from there, you can start cultivating better self beliefs and habits around your desired occupation.

You don’t have to be Shakespeare to call yourself a poet — just like you don’t have to be LeBron James to call yourself an athlete. You’re still one if you do what they do!

Yes, stay a student.

But always transform and improve yourself.

Re-create and redefine.

Expand your horizons.



Set a timer for 3 minutes and think to yourself: What would I want my desired occupation to be? How could I make myself better through my current occupation?