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  • we need to talk about your coffee

we need to talk about your coffee

breaking down my viral post

Let’s get this straight:

I have nothing against any writer.

Copywriting, Authorship. Smut… uhm....

What I do have a problem with is addicts.

People who are dependent on something and share that dependency with others.

I’ve been here many times.

But there’s no greater example of this then coffee drinkers.

God, I hate coffee drinkers.

Always the first to show their mug of coffee infront of their stupid laptops.


…until you’re shaking from withdrawals at 4am.

After thinking that, I wrote a post about it.

Yikes, did people react to it.

Here’s three reasons why this post went viral (and more arguments to stop drinking coffee):

First of all, I challenged the biggest belief in writing.

“You need coffee to write!”

Bro shut up.

Coffee is a drug. And it can get out of hand FAST.

I’d know this, because I was a coffee addict, and an ACTUAL drug addict.

They can ruin your life and turn you into a dependency monster.

You wouldn’t be able to focus if you didn’t have that ever-growing hit of caffeine in the morning.

Who would want that? Nobody.

You need good sleep, a good mind, and some love :)

Second, it’s polarizing.

IF you do X.

You are Y.

This is a very simple writing framework that gets people to rethink their beliefs.

There’s nothing wrong with stating your honest and authentic opinions.

People like people. Likes and dislikes. Not love machines.

Doesn’t hurt to use strong language as well like “pathetic.” lol

Finally, it’s controversial.

Everyone wants to fight about something.

Imagine what a caffeine-addicted writer thinks when he sees a post like mine.

You can guess how he'll reply in the comments.

More anger, more engagements!

Controversy is cash :)

What’s a belief you had?

What’s the better option?

Write a post answering those two questions. You’ll definitely go viral.

See you!