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making 200$ a month at 14

ez money

I recently got a job as a VA.

I never actually knew about the intricacies of “business.”

I knew what delegation was, sure, but I wasn’t made aware of everything else that a good businessman was to do.

That was until I met my boss.

He’s only a bit older than me; and he’s making around $2-3k/mo.

This dude’s one of the coolest dudes I’ve met on the net.

He’s been teaching me a lot about business, X, writing and sales strategy ever since.

A week or two ago, he posted about wanting a VA to work for him and help manage his clients.

I applied, crushed the interview, and here I am.

The first few days were interesting.

After a bit of testing, organizing and planning, I figured out my systems for how to be the best assistant possible.

I’m tasked with engaging and managing client DMS. Which, at first, was no easy task.

In fact, it was a pretty hard one.

But as I got into the habit, it became so much easier for me.

Now, a week and a half in, I can confidently say that I’m doing great.

There have been a few mishaps and lazy days. But otherwise, I’m getting my work done.

And, I’ve got a few lessons for you:

1/ Stats > Time

Originally, he was doing 1 hour of engagement per client.

I asked him to change to 100 replies instead of 1 hour.


Because stats > time.

I can do 100 replies in a focused 25m.

I can also do 100 replies in a lazy hour.

Which one would you rather do?

Always take the opportunity to log your work in numbers, never in time.

Your time is your most valuable asset.

2/ Be (im)Perfect

There have been times where I’ve messed up threads or scheduled posts, and that’s fine.

When you work hard on a task, job or project, you’re going to make some mistakes.

That’s only human.

What matters is that you try to be as perfect and competent as possible.

You don’t have to be; you just have to try.

Get your work done. Get it done fast. Excel at it.

Not for your boss, not for the money, but for yourself.

3/ Show Up

It was hard for me to get on the PC and do the work at first.

But then I rationalized:

If I can just show up, that’ll be more than half of the job complete.

There’s been days where I work fully focused sitting on my desktop.

There’s also been days where I lay down sickly on my bed barely tapping the keyboard on my chrome browser.

The important thing with both of them?

I was there. I was doing the work. And it got done.


A huge thing for my work is engaging.

I’m tasked with going on X everyday and doing around 200 replies.

So, of course, I made my own cheat codes.

Want them?

Check out my thread on X here.

Powers to you,
