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  • how to make your content as addictive as walter white's meth

how to make your content as addictive as walter white's meth

Most writers suck at content creation.

Don’t worry, it’s not a you problem. It’s an internet problem.

You get so much info from so many sources.

To the point that:

  • You’re confused about what to ACTUALLY write

  • You don’t know what structure or framework to use

  • The content you do post gets little views because it’s messy

I was in your exact same position. And I spent MONTHS studying for a solution.

And I finally figured out the three-step solution to making content creation effortless.

As well as making your content as addictive as Al Capone’s cocaine.

Here’s the rundown (read this if you want to never struggle in content creation again:)

Step zero… ignore what everyone else says.

I need you to trust me on this: 80% of X has no idea what they’re doing, and pretend they do.

And 80% of people are FAILING.

I need you to look inwards.

Find your big three brand ideas, your core values, and your hobbies, and skills.

You can use the Idea Domain in the Writer O.S you got when you subscribed to the newsletter :)

Kieran Drew does this by vomiting out a bunch of personal beliefs and making pillars of content from that.

This is so much more effective than any guru’s advice.

Find out how YOU think. Post about how those thoughts help your reader.

First, know how to actually write content.

You’re probably familiar with every single framework there is on X.

So I won’t waste your time.

But I will give you my writing framework: the triple P.

Pain, perspective, punch.

Start off with a reader pain.

You can find these by looking at problems, misconceptions or false beliefs within your values/brand ideas.

Enhance the perspective and amplify problems.

Hit them with a solid punch: your solution to the problem.

This makes your posts addictive, as your reader is always chasing the dopamine hit of a solution.

This framework usually works with education-type posts. But it’s also super effective for stories, and can be used for humor as well :)

Second, diversify your writing.

You should write three forms of content:

Inspiration: show personal transformations, tell your stories or client stories

Entertainment: Give people a bit of your brain and your raw perspective on events. Share memes and jokes.

Education: As mentioned above, solve the problems your reader has.

Finally, the most fun part.

After you’re done reading this email, go to the Writer O.S notion system and start a new batch.

I want you to write 15 posts.

Five education - solving problems your reader has

Five inspiration - reassuring the reader or telling a story that makes them feel good

Five entertainment - making them laugh with your unfiltered opinions.

You can use some of the viral frameworks found above in the system as well :)

After you're done, schedule those posts throughout the next 4-7 days.

Find out which posts do the best.

You’re guaranteed to have at least one or more posts that’ll do better than your average ones.

Once the week is over, dissect those posts.

Find out what made them do well.

Why did it resonate with your reader?
What does it have different than the other ones?
What idea did you have behind this one?

And then, do the process again, but with answers to these questions in mind.

Keep repeating that, and boom. You’re a content machine.

This is a proven strategy to never run out of content ideas.

And the best part?

You adapt and improve over time, just like your content does.

The key is really about the fundamentals: a strong idea, a strong perspective, and a strong system.

Fancy is the enemy of functional.

With my writing mentorship, I try to nail this down as much as I can with my clients.

We focus on the basics of writing, which is the only thing that really works.

If you’re interested in:

  • Learning the thousand-dollar secrets of the most popular writers

  • Getting 1:1 writing critiques and improvements daily

  • Getting 24/7 access with me

Reply to this email with “PANCAKES” and we’ll talk more about that.

2 spots left.

See you :D