life is an MMORPG

I used to love MMORPGS.

All I did as a kid was play them.

While all my peers were playing:

  • Shooters

  • Strategies

  • Sandboxes

You could catch me picking mushrooms in a digital forest on ROBLOX.

Or maybe killing the trolls in some obscure cube game.

Or spending hours working my way to killing the ender dragon.

The weird thing is, I don’t regret any of it.

If it wasn’t for the literal days I invested into grinding those games, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Let me explain:

In shooter games, your job is to kill as much people as you can.

In strategy games, your job is to manipulate your opponent(s).

In simulators, you simulate doing or pretending to be something.

(pick which one sounds best lol)


You grind.

The mushrooms aren’t for selling — they’re for filling the plant index.

The mob-slaying isn’t for the loot — it’s for the knights quest.

Killing the boss isn’t for the flex — it’s to finish the game.

MMORPGS perfectly mimic the real world. You do small tasks and side quests to complete the massive goal.

My brain was wired to live life and work the same way I played MMORPGS.

I noticed this the moment I got on X.

Everyone complained about having to engage and outreach.

But It never bothered me.

It was all second nature to me.

I was used to doing smaller tasks (replies) to fulfill the bigger goal (getting connections, clients.)

You are what you eat is real.

Eventually, what I consumed (MMORPGS) was so deeply engraved in my subconscious to the point where I enjoyed the menial tasks — because I knew it was leading up to something greater.

Life, especially business, is an MMORPG.

Get used to playing it.

Powers to you,
