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  • lessons from a lead magnet launch

lessons from a lead magnet launch

get your system here


Recently I launched the Writer O.S as a lead magnet.

If you didn’t get it because you were originally in my newsletter,

It didn’t go viral…

BUT it did get me more followers, leads, testimonials and newsletter subs.

( you might be one of them :)

However, I did make a few mistakes beforehand.

If I didn’t, I would’ve easily been able to make this giveaway go viral.

So here they are.

If you want to make a viral lead magnet, do these three things:

1/ Full-Stack Preparation

Make sure that EVERYTHING is prepared.

The giveaway: Make sure you’re solving an actual problem within the lead magnet.

The bonuses: Make sure they’re useful bonuses that people get for a repost/quote post

The mockup: You don’t need a mockup, but it would be better to have one so people click on it more.

The testimonials: Send a few out for review and get feedback.

Everything needs to be pitch perfect before or during the announcement.

2/ Proper Marketing

Once you announce the giveaway, give it 3-7 days in advance.

Market it and mention it every other day.

Post about it, share it, spread testimonials, etc.

This builds INSANE hype.

3/ Aftermath

First things first - get feedback.

1-3 days after you sent the giveaway to the person, reply to them with:

“Hey! How’d you like the guide/system?”

This shows that you care about their enjoyment. And that matters LOOAADSSSSSSSS.

Launching a lead magnet is easy as a writer.

Just care about your audience, solve and understand their problems, and build a step-by-step solution.

Hope you like the system :)
