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Leadership in 2024..

2024 is close.

A thing I see getting discussed a lot,

is leadership.

Everyone’s talking about the control, the adoration, the charisma, blahblahblah.

But there’s one fundamental aspect of it that’s never mentioned.

Maybe it’s because people want results fast,

Maybe because it’s unsexy, or boring.

That thing, is learning.


I came across a book called “Leadership Dubai Style.”

It was a nonfiction book about leadership and how to lead.

The book discussed the history of Dubai, and how through using a number of habits, the businessmen, builders and governors of Dubai managed to bring the city to success.

And I though: “Damn! Imagine that. This guy was so eager to learn about leadership, he made a whole book dissecting one of the worlds greatest cities!”

Why don’t we all be like that?

Learn from the great leaders and creators that came before you.

What habits did they have? What did they do? What content did they consume in order to make themselves a leader/a better leader?

And most importantly,

How can I apply this to my life?

The more you practice asking these questions; the better leader you’ll become for this year and the next. Not only for others, but for yourself.



Today, check off this checklist:

- Ask yourself, “How can I help those around me?'' And go and help those around you.
- Spend 10m alone. All leaders must have time to think.
- Research and learn about any topic! All leaders must be knowledgeable.