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  • THE KEY - High School Philosophy

THE KEY - High School Philosophy

Get the key, master yourself, and get results.

You’ve seen the title.

“The Key”.

What is it?

Is it some Law Of Attraction B.S?

Is it another book?

Is it an expensive course?


The key to:

  • Riches

  • Good relations

  • A better business

  • IQ

  • EQ

  • Courage

    All lies in one word:


I remember, as a boy, I was very afraid. I used to act like I was tough — listening to all these gangster songs.

I wasn’t. I was the biggest softie there was. Scared of everything from cockroaches to teachers to life.

So, how does one unlock fearlessness?

It’s easy.

Confronting the sublime.

When you see and feel death, you’ll understand that once you conquer the fear of dying — there is no greater fear. Now, you can conquer anything.

You need to get s good grip and understanding of death.

These “stoic” death meditations are nice, but they’re surface level.

I want you to dig deep.

FEEL death. FEEL the slipping of your mind from existence to nonexistence.

I like to do this by researching and reading about death; more specifically accounts of people who have died and how the illness felt/feels to have.

And I do a body and soul swap.

I imagine my consciousness , soul and nerves being put into the body of an old, paralyzed and dying man.

I feel the wrinkled skin; the constant aches within my body, lying on my deathbed. From there, I have a pseudo feel of life dancing between my fingertips.

With consistency, you can gain an amazing grasp of death, and understand that no matter what happens, death will always come to us. Most people fear it. But if you, as a person, get over that fear, then you will become FEARED in all aspects of life.




Set a timer for 3 minutes and try the meditation mentioned above!