It's over for me


That was the day when it all fell apart.

I missed my email that day.

I was putting the finishing touches on a great email about how I got a 1000$ course for free last night — but I forgot to schedule it, and I took a nap.

The moment I woke up, an hour after I should’ve published it, my DMs started BLOWING up.

My fans told me that they would NEVER look at my content again.

My mentor dropped me.

I lost a solid 200 followers across all platforms.

30 newsletter unsubscr-

Okay I’m lying.

I missed Sundays email. But so what?

Acting like you’re going to be consistent in your creations is like thinking you can create Rome in a day.

Shit happens. You fall. You miss. You run out of ideas. Or, you sleep.

The key?

Getting right back up, learning, and doing it again.

Appreciate you for sticking with me!

Powers to you,
