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  • how to FAIL at business 101

how to FAIL at business 101

full step guide to never being able to win

It’s simple.

Chase status.

There are two huge games in life:

A: The status game.
B: The wealth game.

The status game is as it sounds:

You a build following. You chase a big number. You become a people pleaser. Everyone likes you but nobody pays you.

This is the game most writer’s play on social media.

And it’s the game I played for the longest time on X.

I always tried to make people laugh. And that got me nowhere.

Social media is one of the most useful (and most dangerous) things for us.

You get on. Gather some attention. Do whatever you can to keep it.

This is how most people build a social media addiction.

But as writer’s we develop something much, much worse.

A growth addiction.

“Wealth creation is an old zero-sum game. Those attacking wealth creation are just seeking status.”
  — Naval Ravikant

Instead of working on our skills, sharing our progress, and monetizing them,

We chase the dopamine from likes and clicks.

You turn into a creator who:

  • Has made little to no money

  • Cares more about numbers then his own wellbeing

  • Insults the REAL wealth creators for more status insults the money-makers for MORE status

Sounds like my ex.

And in the process, we get trapped in three terrible beliefs:

You need a “big audience” to monetize.

Dan Koe was making $3k/mo at 300 followers.

There are creators I know who are at 300-2000 followers but have made more money than most influencers at 100k-500k followers.

It’s NEVER about audience size.

It’s about your presence, audience quality, and audience trust.

"You need to chase virality!”

I’m all for experimenting, ideating and breaking down viral posts.

I believe viral ideas are needed.

And from experience, going viral is one of the most fun and interesting experiences for a creator.

But it’s NEVER what you should care about as a writer.

Virality is the first half of the term “broaden and build”

You broaden your awareness level on social media.

But, if you’re not building anything (an offer, an authority presence, idea/foundational systems)

You’ll end up with thousands of eyes on you.

Who have no idea what you do.

And after a short time period, they ignore you.

The solution?

Focus on building out your offer, your brand values and your vision.

With clarity, you’ll be able to funnel your viral posts into trust, and then into cash.

“Attention is the new oil!”

People believe this as an excuse to masturbate on their content all the time.

Not true.

While its scarce, people aren’t idiots.

They’ll go to whoever treats them the best, gives the most entertainment, education and inspiration.


The new oil of the digital economy is trust.

How can you make sure you’re more trustworthy than Pairaw? Dan West? P. Diddy?

The answer is simple.

Ditch status games. Play wealth games.

“There are fundamentally two huge games in life that people play. One is the money game. Money is not going to solve all of your problems, but it’s going to solve all of your money problems.”
  — Naval Ravikant

A wealth game is a positive-sum game.

You’re able to build your future and spend money to solve any problem you have.

And wealth games are seen by everyone around you.

(but so are status games)

People WILL know when you’re just chasing numbers.
People WILL know when you’re building wealth.

People WILL know when you’re chasing virality
People WILL know when you’re focused on clarity

People WILL know when you drink Diet Coke
People WILL know when you drink Diet Pepsi.

And the truth is:

People throw money at people who play WEALTH games.

Not status games.

People who chase numbers get ignored.

People who chase wealth get rewards.

Start building an ACTUAL business:

Chase your audiences’ problems (and kill them.)

Chase your audiences’ goals with them.

Play the game of wealth. Not the game of status.

It pays better :)


I have a huge announcement coming up in the next email.

It’ll be something well worth your time :) Excited to be a part of this with you.