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  • Happy New Year — From Darius G

Happy New Year — From Darius G


My name is Darius G.

No, I’m not a boring academic with beard hair instead of a brain.

I am a young philosopher, poet, and writer.

I just like to sound fancy.

In fact, knowledge likes to hide behind my words, and that is something I can help you acquire

I occupy my time with deep contemplation, introspection and mild theorising.

This is what I have been doing this past year.

2023 - The year of thinking.

2024 - ???

Next year can be whatever you make it to be. One creates his own circumstances,

Only if one is frustrated enough with them as they are...

I assume you are tired of going through the same cycle every. single. year.

It never ends...

Unless you put an end to it.

You’re not alone on this path.

Every year, people try. People try to do lots of things.

You want to do things, whether they are different is irrelevant.

The path of creation is the common path.

Do not get left behind.

People say that getting lost in thought is not beneficial.

I disagree.

He who remains at surface level is only a shell of who he could become.

For this year, I encourage you to create a concrete plan, a strategy. This will require you to actually think:

1. What are your biggest problems in life?

2. What are the things that you want to improve at?

3. What are your 5 biggest goals for this year?

(1 physical goal, 1 spiritual goal, 1 financial goal, 1 goal about mindfulness, 1 goal about gathering insight)

After you know exactly what you need to do, for maximum improvement, avoid thinking too much. For pure practicality, just follow the steps and watch your evolution.

You might think that resolutions for the new year are pointless. I disagree. I became who I am today because of my resolution for 2023. One decision can change one whole life.

For 2024, you might want to read this:

I think the best way to open the door to more wisdom is to read.

This form of transferring information has reigned supreme for millennia.

But, sometimes, you just don’t have the time to read entire books.

1. Concepts don’t have to be shared with 50.000 words.

2. I write articles.

If, 1;2 = true, then {I have a newsletter}

Evolve, one thought at a time: