we got this, bro.

Week 1 of X:

- uncertain
- confused
- low on followers

Week 7 of X:

- clarified
- knowledgeable
- abundance of friends

Such is the fate of anyone who pursues creativity instead of money.

If you’re here, you’re interested in creativity.

I can guarantee you’re a young creator looking for help to bring a creative spark to his business, relationships, studies, and life.

And that’s exactly why I write.

I do this to get young creators like yourself out of the boring, unoriginal mindset.

I want to shift you to a different paradigm of thinking — outside of the regular niches and audience.

This way, you can create not for yourself, or for money, but for the good and the future of mankind.

Through creativity, you can craft an ideal for yourself and your life that is cut like Michalangelo’s David.

The future will be set out for you. As FNAF says, the pieces have been put together.

But it’s up to you to work now.

It’s up to you to start creating now.

That way, your future can be set for you.

Powers to you,
