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I got a 1000$ course

When I first started on X, I was lonely.

30 followers, “sharing insights” page, no connections or experience.

But, I needed friends.

I was told I should engage with people in my follower count or lower.

But I didn’t.

I thought that it would be wise for me to find the most intriguing, famous, and insightful people on X, and sneak myself into their DMs with my master seduction skills.

I aimed STRAIGHT for the whales.

And I found a big fat one. Probably the coolest.

Rick is an entrepreneur who’s changed his life from a lost, addicted, distracted guy into a smart, respectable and focused father.

As one of his first digital products, he decided to take everything that helped him change — every strategy, tool, concept, insight and piece of wisdom — and put it in a digital course to sell and help others improve and actualize their lives as well.

He had a very fitting name for this course, that also ended up defining his brand; The Rational Path.

And it just so happened that one day I spawned in his DMs inquiring about said rationality.

Considering this was a topic I just read about in The Laws Of Human Nature, I thought it would be a good starting point for a conversation.

And oh boy, it was.

Me and Rick hit it off immediately. Conversation after conversation, we built a strong bond.

I was so glad I found another mentor to help improve my life, brain, skills and writing.

Then, one day around Christmas, he messaged me and said this:

And the rest is history.

“Success comes to those who becomes success conscious.— Napoleon Hill

Rick gave me access to his amazing course for completely free.


It’s because I was brave enough to put myself out there.

I CHOSE to go after the big fish.
I CHOSE to read and talk about interesting topics.
I CHOSE to be a kind, empathetic person.

You won’t ever be able to:

- Go places
- Be successful
- Do good things

IF you don’t start to chase after it.

Napoleon Hill tells the story of R.U Darby’s uncle and how he got DESTROYED by a little girls constant persistence for half a dollar.

Travis Scott sent daily emails to his favorite producer to get a start on his music.

Steve Jobs spent 3 years convincing the CEO of Pepsi-co, John Sculley, to join Apple. Famously telling him:

“Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?”

He then signed the deal.

Be persistent.

It pays off.

Powers to you,
