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  • A good way to getting what you want,

A good way to getting what you want,

Hey! Quick wisdom:

There’s a law/principle I see everywhere.

Whether it be in the world of social skills, power dynamics, etc.

That law, is showing people what’s in it for them.

It’s been used forever; from the philosophical days, to Islam, to now, with all our entrepreneurs and status climbers.

The reason this is so seductive and effective, is because in the modern day, the only people who use this tactic are high level businessmen. You know with the fancy cars and 100$M leads?

This tactic gets people to buy into you like crazy. They’ll love you, listen to you, and feel grateful for your empathetic ability to see their side of the coin.

So the next time you want someone to do something, or convince someone of something,

Show them what’s in it for them.



“Action springs out of what we fundamentally desire… and the best piece of advice which can be given to the would be persuaders, whether in business, in the home, in the school, in politics, is: First, arouse in the other person an eager want. He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot walks a lonely way.” — Harry A. Overstreet in his book Influencing Human Behavior


The next time you’re in a discussion, you want something from someone, or need to persuade someone, use this tactic. And remember the quote above.