Feeling euphoric? No you're not.

Hey! I got an idea for you.

A big one.

Have you heard of The Sublime?

You might have not.

But I have!

So I’ll try to dumb down the concept for you, in the simplest of ways.

The Sublime is the awesomeness of existence.

The idea comes from the fact that; our chances of living, of being here right now, are so astronomically low, and the fact that just simply being conscious — being able to think and use your empathy and rationality, is an amazing experience.

It’s also an experience full of gratitude. One that connects us to the universe, and to other people.

So, how do we produce such an experience?

In snippets of his up and coming book, The Law Of The Sublime, Robert Greene gives many exercises on how to tap into the sublime consciousness.

But, there is one very vital distinction he makes.

Never, never EVER, confuse The Sublime with The False Sublime

The true sublime comes from within you.

It’s an experience that is bred, born, and discovered from within you.

It can also be triggered by things like, witnessing the beauty and vastness of life and the earth, feeling the history of a certain area or historical event, retreating deep into your mind and meditating about mortality, life, history and immensity, having deep love for someone,

And, the most powerful form of the sublime,

Touching death.

The false sublime is not this.

The false sublime is getting these experiences from things like drugs, stimulants, depressants, addiction, anger, the tribal “goal” mentality.

PS: I’m writing about tribes in the first part of my book!"

It’s these things that, give you a very small sense of the sublime, but are bad for you.

They intoxicate and harm you in the long run, and in fact further the connection from you and the universe.

The real sublime nurtures and strengthens the connection between you and the universe.

And no, this is not some enlightenment type, 10000 hour goal.

I’m 14 and I’ve had three sublime experiences.

The sublime experience can be experienced by anyone.

All it takes is for you to be fearless, and ready to experience it.

And, whatever you do, stay away from the false sublime.

Stay safe,
