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  • How to create: lie. | PART TWO

How to create: lie. | PART TWO

Hey bro!

The other day, I wrote one of my favourite newsletters.

It was all about how the best stories are often fabricated, or at least have little FABRICATIONS in them.

I highly recommend you read it if you haven’t.

Today I want to talk to you about the ethics behind this.


When we’re told a story, our first instinct is never questioning.

In fact, our first instinct is to redirect the conversation unto ourselves.

But that’s a topic for another day.

Our first instinct is to latch onto what’s being told and perceive it.

This perception we gain is clouded by the other persons:

  • own perception

  • tone

  • takeaways

  • understanding

  • and, often, lies

Then, the story is told to us, and then we tend to mess it up even more.

This was a playground game that children often played.

But nowadays, the spreading of news from the source, to different people, to different reporters, to news outlets, to journalists, to us people is massive.

And it begs the question: is all this ethical?

Well, yes.

It’s ethical…

…because it’s the only thing possible.

What I mean is this:

It is only in human nature to twist, turn and mis interpret information. Often using our irrational side to do so.

Meaning, it’s subconscious for us to do so.

When receiving and telling a story, it’s important to be as objective as possible.

Take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt. Everything! Even from yourself.


Ok. That’s established.

But what about doing so purposefully? For lets say, our own commercial benefit?

Once again, I’d have to say yes.

It’s impossible to get everything right. And if you try to twist everything, it’s obvious.

The solution is just a liiiiitttle creative touches.

Another person here and there to add the drama, maybe an underlying motive, a character detail, a number roundup or fabrication.

This will help US tell better stories.

And with objective judgement, we can allow ourselves to take a step back, observe and understand what’s been told, dissect from it the importance, and re-tell it in the best way possible.

…or.. you could lie a bit in your own ways too.

That’s up to you!



(Hey, that rhymed!)