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  • the reason why dexter can't build a brand

the reason why dexter can't build a brand

I wake up to a message.

My friend says:

“Bro, have you watched Dexter?”

It’s 3am so I ignore him.

I wake up AGAIN with 10 more messages:

“Bro, have you watched Dexter?”
“Bro, have you watched Dexter?”
“Bro, have you watched Dexter?”
“Bro, have you watched Dexter?”
“Bro, have you watched Dexter?”
“Bro, have you watched Dexter?”
“Bro, have you watched Dexter?”

Very confused and tired, I give in and ask him:

“No, what’s that?”

He goes on to tell me about the show.

Dexter is an 8-season TV show about a psychotic lab tech in the Miami Police Department.

He’s a serial killer who hunts down serial killers… how cool.

A few days - and many DMS - later, I give in and watch the show.

By episode six, I notice something.

Dexter is an idiot.

The ice-truck-killer breaks into his home many times to leave him messages.

And all he can think about is:


Dexter can expertly deduce crime scenes and pulls off insane murders.

The only problem?

That’s all he’s good at.

What Dexter had was incredible short-sightedness.

All he cared about was catching and getting revenge on the killer.

He ignored the fact that the killer had complete access to him and his house.

He could’ve leveraged things like cameras, told the police force to set up a sting op, have an ambush ready, etc.

But instead, he let his ego get the best of him, which delayed the catching of the killer by weeks.


He didn’t have awareness.

Now, I’m only on season one. So I don’t know if anything happens to him later on.

But I do know this:

Awareness is one of the most important things a content creator can have.

  • The awareness to understand bad/good clients and partners

  • The awareness to see if your brand is oversaturated

  • Leveraging content awareness

  • Market and desire awareness

  • Social and sales cues

I don’t want you to lose out on clients - or get murdered - by having a lack of awareness.

So here are 3 ways to cultivate a solid awareness level to help build your brand:

1) Research

Find out what your audience, clients or market wants.

There’s nothing worse than providing a service or product to someone who doesn’t want it.

2) Breath

Sometimes all it takes is a reboot to the present moment to:

  • Generate ideas

  • Iterate on new perspectives

  • Find issues/new angles in a offer

Stay aware —> Stay present —> Get smart —> Get paid.

3) Exploration

How to be a productivity machine:

Be an even better rest machine.

Sometimes, taking a side quest gives you the fuel and awareness you need to complete your main adventure.

All you want to have when you’re creating content is two things:

1) Awareness
2) A unique strategy

He who loses focus, loses his life.


PS: If you want even MORE help:

  • Building a solid brand

  • Building a creative content strategy

  • Generating ideas that excite you

  • Learning how to write and monetize well

I’m taking on three more clients for my grand-slam branding mentorship program.

Three more and I’ll be closed for a while!

If you’re interested, reply to this email with “SLAM” to lock in your slot and I’ll send you more details.