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  • How I DESTROYED Creative Block

How I DESTROYED Creative Block

you're gonna need this, bro.

I was always a pretty creative dude.

Until about a couple weeks ago.

I approached my page ready to write some sick paragraphs about narcissism, right after talking about Ingmar Bergman as an example for empathy.

And then… nothing.

I had my infocards ready. My warm milk set. My books around me.

But nothing came to me.

People seem to think this is a symptom of yourself.

Maybe you just didn’t get enough info, maybe you’re just tired.

I have another theory.

I believe it’s a symptom of yesterdays actions.

The day before that, I:

- forgot to meditate
- read 5 pages instead of 20
- studied for 20m

And just like all actions, that has a consequence.

You don’t have to go all out on writing or the creative protocol like I do.

But you have to go all out on your actions.

Curb your creative resistance by simply doing good.

When you do good, you make good.

So, my problem was the leadup.

The actions that preceded my work were the things that MADE the work.

Therefore, bad habits — or absence of good habits — will make your work run less smooth.

And good habits will make your work go smoother, and you’ll be more creative.

Maybe, with this wisdom, it’ll be different for you.

Actually, I know it will.

Re-visit and skim through my Creativity Blueprint thread on X. This will callous the creative mindset into you.

Check it out here.

Powers to you,
