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  • how I became a creative warlord

how I became a creative warlord

I want to be a warlord.

I want to pillage colonies.

I want to enslave the women.

I want to annihilate my enemies.

Okay, I might be exaggerating.

I’m far from being one.

I’m a writer.

My mighty battle-axe —> Pen
My scroll of ancient wisdom —> Book
My throne made out of gold and leather —> Computer chair

But, that doesn’t mean I cant be a warlord.

One thing set the warlords apart from the warriors.

The warlords MADE the strategies.

The warriors just followed them.

“Forces are to be structured strategically, based on what is advantageous.”
  — Sun Tzu

Nobody in life ever got far without a plan. It’s just impossible to do so.

If you want to become something, you have to plan it out.

Don’t just give yourself the roadmap — give yourself an in-depth travel log with an if-then chart and a FAQ.

The basis of creativity is strategy.

It’s about organizing and structuring what you’ll create and what you’ll do to fuel your creations.

Being a warlord is easy.

It’s just a matter of how much you’re willing to plan ahead.

Get to strategizing.

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