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  • day 1 of entrepreneurship

day 1 of entrepreneurship

I know what you’re going through.

Every other day, you open your email at 7:00 PM GMT+3 to see the great Z2 write to you.

But for the past week, that privilege has been stripped away.

I hear the cities yelling:

“WHERE’S Z2?!?”

I see the endless amount of girls blowing up my phone asking for me to come back.

I feel it. I feel it all.

As I sit in my hideout writing this, I want to tell you all where I’ve been:

Literally nowhere.

I’ve just been focusing on different things:

1. My Job

Ever since I started work as a VA, I’ve decided to go hard on it.

No missteps or shortcomings.

Just how I planned all my life to go.

But it didn’t turn out that way.

I ended up forgetting my first job: writing.

Writing to all of you dedicated friends here on the email list.

But trust me, that’s going to change.

2. Bigger Projects

I’ve been focusing more on BIG newsletters, guides and giveaways.

Like, Dan Koe type emails.

I wanted to expand on the topics I regularly write about in long-form instead of these 100-200 word letters you’re used to.

You can start to expect longer emails like the Goldilocks one or my last one about being a VA.

Let me know what format you like more.

3. Offer Creation

I made my first ever offer today and did my outbound.

So far:

- 100 DMS
- 12 “lols”
- 0 interested

I think it’s because of three reasons:

A) I didn’t have a proper funnel for it
B) I thought I was doing something interesting with the way it was formatted; asking for a roblox giftcard for the money lol
C) I wasn’t feeding a hungry market.

I plan on shifting more towards unique coaching programs instead of writing services.

So, yea. That’s what my life has been like.

And, please, don’t ask about school… You know how that’s been…

How’s your week been?

