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  • dan wests 5 secrets to make $10k/mo from writing

dan wests 5 secrets to make $10k/mo from writing

what i learned from him

It was one of the best things I did for my writing journey.

And I want to share with you the BIGGEST lessons I learned.

Here they are (read this if you want to make money and go viral:)

(Save this email so you can come back to it, you’ll need it.)


Dan’s biggest mistake so far was writing for virality.

And I completely relate.

You see; when I started out on X I focused on ONE thing only:


So I posted questions, memes, and jargon thinking it would help.

It did.

But I never made a single dime.

After a month or two, I started specifying my content.

The results?

%50 less views
2x more followers
a steady income from ghostwriting

Write for SPECIFIC impact. Not broad attention.


Storytelling is advanced selling.

You’re connecting with your audience on a deep level by sharing relatable experiences (shoutout Ben Chan.)

But before you start telling people about your ex..

Nail THESE points:

  • Transformations: How did you get from Point A - Point B? Transformations showcase your relatability and prove to your audience they can do it too. You become the logical choice to help them.

  • Personal story: Even something as simple as “Today I went fishing” brings your audience into your world, meaning they like you more

  • Testimonials: Posting customer stories and 3rd party testimonials builds trust with your audience, which makes selling easier.

  • Wins/losses: Share stories of your wins and losses (especially the losses). These stories aren’t just about the outcomes, but the journey and lessons learned.

  • Us vs. them: Create a group identity with your followers to create a compelling contrast between you and a common enemy. This will strengthen your message's impact, bringing your audience closer to you.

3/ Have An Archetype

Your brand isn’t YOUR brand.

It always falls under 1 or 2 brand archetypes, that have been shown throughout the history of business.

Here are the 12 archetypes (get ready for a big image:)

For reference, I’m a Jester and a Creator.

Research the archetypes and find which resonate the most with you.

Now you know your archetype you can build a brand around that. Find out the best brands with your archetypes. Look at what they’re doing to attract fans.

Branding’s nailed down… but what about content?

4/ Perfectly Planned Powerful Posts

Here are the 7 OP question prompts directly from the course:

  1. What is something you used to believe was true about (niche/topic) but now believe is false? Why? And how has changing your belief benefitted you?

  2. If you could go back in time to when you first started (niche journey), what advice would you give to your younger self?

  3. What’s a common mistake people make when trying to achieve their goals? Point it out and then provide a way to achieve the result more easily.

  4. What’s a step-by-step system or process you’ve used to achieve a specific result that others would want to achieve as well? Describe the steps.

  5. What is a specific result your ideal client desires? Weighing all the factors, how long would it typically take the average person to achieve it?

  6. Now, if they absolutely HAD to achieve it in 1/10 of the time, what drastic changes would they need to make?

  7. Compare and contrast the two paths to illustrate how we might actually be wasting a lot of valuable time or self-sabotaging without realizing it.

Answer these in your content —> Get paid. Easy.

5/ ALWAYS Be Selling.

No, don’t spam your offer.

Persuade insanely hard with your clicks.

Make people click on your content.

Then on your profile.

Then on your newsletter.

Then on your emails.

Then on your offer.

Then on that call.

Then on that payment.

Business is just one, huge motivating sequence.

Make sure you never lose sight of that when you’re working on yours.

And if you want even MORE help:

  • Making money as a writer

  • Perfecting your content

  • Perfecting your brand

I’m doing 45m consulting calls at no cost at all where we’ll do all of that as well as content audits.

But I’m only doing 3 more calls before price goes back up to $50

So reply to this email with “PEPSI” ASAP if you want to lock your spot in.

See ya!