a creative test

I try my best to help people.

As many as I can.

A question most creators ask me is: “How can I be more creative to actually CREATE?”

And I respond with another question:

If they’re a creator/on self-development: “What’s your favorite book?”

If they’re a writer: “Who’s your favorite author?”

If they’re a bit of a loser: “What’s your favorite show?”

The reason I ask them this is twofold:


People are sponges. You are what you give your attention to and what you consume.

It applies to creating as well. The thing they love the most will often show colors in their creations.

“Tell me what you like and I’ll tell you who you are.”
  — John Ruskin


The quality of the thing(s) they consume determine their creativity.

If the show, idol or book is:

- Intriguing
- Unique
- Fleshed-out

You can expect their mentality and work to be the same.

“The art we consume becomes the art we create.”
  — Austin Kleon

When I know what their consuming on a day to day basis, I can understand their character, their problems, and their solutions.

Solution-wise, it often comes in the form of consuming better things.

Better, meaning things we can steal for our own work.

Start analyzing your consumptions.

Find out what helps you, what harms you, and what you can steal to fuel your creativity.

You just need to have some objectivity.

Powers to you,
