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how construction workers SKYROCKETED their life

(the goldilocks rule)

Hey bro,

Let me tell you a story:

It’s early morning and I just walked into the kitchen.

PS: it was NOT early morning.

My mom was happy to see me awake, and we both look out the window to our front porch.

My mom marvels at the construction workers by the house next to us. Construction started about 2 weeks ago from absolutely nothing, and they’ve already built the second floor.

I peek out and I see one doing pushups on the concrete ceiling.

My mom absolutely MARVELED at the fact they were able to complete production so fast.

I didn’t.

Infact, I expected it.


Because of the Goldilocks Rule.

The Goldilocks Rule states that the peak of human motivation occurs when working on a task that is just manageable difficulty.

And, the Goldilocks Rule is a precursor to something called the “flow” state.

The flow state is the peak of human concentration and happiness.

Everything feels conscious but also subconscious. The work is being done fast and effectively.

This is how the workers were able to construct the huge building in such amount of time: using the goldilocks rule.

James Clear has a theory that the flow state occurs when System 1 (subconscious, quick) of thinking meets and borders with System 2 (conscious, slow and calculated.)

These systems do not join together and they do not prefer one over the other. They are bordering each-other and working in unison.

So, now we know about the Goldilocks Rule and flow.

How can we apply this?


When working on a task, make sure the task isn’t too easy but also not too hard. Keep it at just manageable difficulty, to where it’s testing your limits but also to where it feels like a challenge.

This is the HOLY GRAIL of productivity. Every productivity, self help, psychology and writing guru will SWEAR by the power of the flow state.

And, they’re not wrong.

In fact, I’m in a flow state right now writing this email, like I was the past three!

From Atomic Habits, Chapter 19 P232.

I hope you manage to find some ways to increase the flow in all areas of your life — in work, family, and personal time after reading this.

Oh, one more thing.

The flow state is also said to be the peak of mastery and creativity.

It’s time you had a FULL blueprint to the creative skill.

I made a thread about that on X, which you can click here.

I’ll be turning this into a full and expanding document/E book soon. Watch for that!




Go and find some ways to get in a flow state. What do you love doing? Take on a challenge a bit harder than what your used to and work towards it in deep focus.