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  • Posts
  • the biggest problem most creators have

the biggest problem most creators have

Yesterday I was on a consulting call with @MartinasGenys

He’s one of the most creative writers on X- he has the potential to become the next Dan Koe. I mean that seriously.

We went through each of his bottlenecks and how to solve them.

But one of his stood out to me.. and left me quite stunned.

Martinas said that he has issue articulating his ideas.

But this isn’t because he doesn’t have any.

It’s because he has TOO MUCH ideas.

This reminded me a lot of myself a few months ago.

So I gave Martinas my answer. But in this email I want to delve deeper into that.

If this is you:

  • You feel like you have lots of ideas but don’t know how to share them

  • You feel like your current X posts could be doing better with topics you like

  • You want to have a reusable ideation system to cut through the fog and write like a pro

Then take my free, 3 step idea development strategy I use to make sure everything I write is pristine.

1/ Organize Everything

It always helps to get on a keyboard and start spewing what’s on your mind.

Handwriting can be slow - I prefer keyboards.

One of two things will happen:

A: you’ll start delving deep into topics you love

B: You’ll realize most of your “ideas” were just mental chatter that are dismissed, and what you’re left with is a small handful of good ideas.

2/ Question Everything

Play bad cop.

Interrogate your ideas to their death. That’s the goal.

“Why do I like this idea?” ”What does it do for me?” ”Does this idea excite me?”

“Does it bore me?”

“Can this idea help anyone else?” ”Can I get paid for this?”

3/ Articulate It

Take the ideas that are left and write a post, email or thread about it.

When you structure your ideas in a persuasive manner, they become easier to know if they’re meant to be posted.

But most of the time;

PS: I’m giving away FREE 30m consults.

If you need any help:

  • Writing viral, impactful content

  • Auditing and optimizing your content and niche

  • Building ideation and productivity systems for an easy flow of high impact content

But I’m only doing 3 more calls before they I stop.

Reply with “CREATE” and we’ll set up a time.

See you later!