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  • the biggest lie in writing

the biggest lie in writing

“Write to your younger self” is terrible advice.

If you decide to write to your younger self, you’ll end up writing to nobody.

“You” aren’t replicated. Your hobbies, desires, and problems might be. But you aren’t.

I decided to do this when I first started out on X, and I lost 2 months of valuable progress.

The reason people say to do so is because it’s comfortable.

You don’t have to go through the difficult process of finding an ICP.
You don’t have to clarify and model your brand.
You don’t have to write with universal intent.

These are all things you SHOULD be doing.

But the “writer gurus” nowadays don’t care for you; so they give you advice that doesn’t work.

When you write, you need to speak to one person, but have the clarity and simplicity so that the whole world can understand you.

Read that again.

Your solution is to:

A) Find and create an ICP to write to, and in the future, to sell to.

B) Write to them in your own, creative manner.

C) Be so clear and simple in your writing to the point that people outside your ICP can understand and utilize your knowledge.

Here are some examples:

(icp: young creator/writer trying to ideate and grow on X)

Make it specific.

Make it creative.

Make it simple.

If you’re looking to write better, check out my thread on unique writing here.

Powers to you,
