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  • How To ACTUALLY Become A Writer...

How To ACTUALLY Become A Writer...

Hey bro.

If you can’t tell, there’s been a “trend” that’s been surging up in recent times.

And that’s writing.

Everyone wants to and is learning how to become a copywriter or a ghostwriter.

…but only few make it.

The truth is, writing is extremely simple.

And it’s extremely profitable.

Companies are commonly looking for people to build the most attractive and intriguing interfaces with copywriters and ghostwriters.

Newer novelists and essayists are surfacing and have shown their work to be amazing.

Don’t be fooled when people say that you can’t make money off of writing.

You can. Tenfold.

Here are the steps to becoming a good writer:

Firstly, lay out your goals.

What do you want to do with writing? Do you want to write a book? Publish articles? Become a ghostwriter, copywriter or essayist? How much money do you want to make?

Secondly, look at the niches.

The niche of “writing” is MASSIVE.

Here’s every possible niche you can go into:

- Journalism
- Ghostwriting
- Copywriting ( contains MANY niches within)
- Authorship (book writing)
- Essay-writing
- Playwriting
- Novel-writing
- Short stories
- Email/Newsletter writing and marketing
- Lyricism
- Blog writing
- Academic writing
- Ad writing/marketing

You don’t have to go all in on one. You can take a very wide stance and look at the one most intriguing to you and delve into that one. You can always switch, but don’t do it too often.

Currently, I’m in authorship, email writing, and general copywriting.

Thirdly, learn.

Learn everything and anything you can about writing and the niche you want to get into.

I highly suggest my free eBook, Write Like A Philosopher. You can find that here. This will give you a good basis into writing.

You can learn more from influencers like:

- Ryan Holiday
- Stephen King

And, the best source of writing, creativity, and philosophy of all,

Robert Greene.

Of the younger generation of good writers:

- James Clear
- Mark Manson
- Dan Koe

Research the books, strategies, videos and interviews of the people mentioned above. See what they wrote, how they wrote, etc.

Using these tips, you can easily become a good writer of ANY niche.

And, hopefully, monetize.

