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  • the 3 million dollar mindset shifts for million dollar writing.

the 3 million dollar mindset shifts for million dollar writing.

Most people fail at writing.

They spend hours and hours making mediocre content that gets no views, no conversions, and no hot girls.

But the funniest thing is?

It’s never for the same reason.

There’s THREE simple reasons why people fail to persuade with their words:

1/ They try to be too creative

2/ They try to be too salesy

3/ They try to copy everyone else

These mistakes can be avoided with three mindset shifts that’ll allow you to write like Robert Greene’s grandson.

Here they are:

1/ Writing = Idea Articulation.

When you write copy, you’re not selling something.

Your presenting an idea.

When you write an email, you’re not writing to fans.

You’re sharing your best ideas with friends.

When you write posts, you’re not writing to X.

You’re writing to your already-established reader.

Realize that most of writing is just sharing your ideas.

It becomes a game of who has the strongest ideas and who can present them the best.

2/ Writing is for the reader.


I have a mantra I spew whenever I write.

I always say:

“Your reader is your king.”

That’s right, you are.

Literally, probably not. Metaphorically, yes.

You need to put your readers needs miles above yours.

Make THEM feel special, that’s how they view YOU as special.

(hey, i think it’s working!)

3/ Writing is stealing ideas.


They steal frameworks, product benefits and reader desires to craft compelling copy.

Book writers?

They steal sources, chapters and historical stories to write an amazing book.


He drinks diet coke, writes like a maniac and procrastinates on all of his emails to give you the most unique value possible.

A piece of writing is just a collection of strong ideas to share a bigger message.

Remember that next time you write.

PS: There’s going to be an email in in a few days ALL about this new brand direction I’m heading in.

You may’ve noticed the landing page is now Writer OS.

Don’t worry. That’s for a reason. Big changes are coming.

And I’ll have a new giveaway coming out soon.

See you soon!