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  • 17 reasons why you're not creative

17 reasons why you're not creative

0) ur gay

1) You don’t read my newsletters.

2) You don’t have a consistent writing/drawing/painting habit.

3) You’re afraid to try anything different because you fear testing.

4) You underestimate the importance of originality when it comes to writing.

5) You don’t stay consistent on the work that matters.

6) You believe being creative is a god-given talent.

7) You think creativity is spontaneous and random, when in reality it’s structured.

8) You’re one-sided with your skills and don’t utilize anything else.

9) You don’t use the resources at your hand to solve your personal, spiritual, financial or business problems and you look for anything else.

10) You don’t solve problems everyday, and push the ones in need of the most thought away.

11) You don’t watch any videos from valuable creators.

12) You consume without intent to re-use or create.

13) You don’t have a person to share your desires with.

14) You don’t have a consistent reading habit.

15) You have “creativity blocks” that are used as excuses to scroll and consume instead of structure, solve and ideate.

16) You don’t have a structured idea generation to expression system; leading to less consistency.

17) You hate self investment.

When, in reality, self investment is self IMPROVEMENT.

So I’m opening a 4 week consultation/coaching program where we’ll roadmap your entire business growth and help you stand out the most amongst your competition.

Reply to this email with “CREATE” if you’re interested.

